Audition, Audacity, and More…Oh My! – Part Two of Tools Review Blog Series
January 13, 2014

Controlling Captivate – Countdown Timer
January 24, 2014If you need proof why video should be an important element in your learning program, there is no need to look any further…we’ve got the proof for you right here! With the use of platforms like YouTube and Vimeo on the rise, it goes without saying that people are turning to video more and more not only for entertainment, but for educational purposes as well.
The majority of organizations are creating and distributing online training but not everyone is utilizing the power of video. Video can be used to educate your workforce, customers, and prospective clients via training, internal corporate communications, and advertising. It’s a very cost-effective method for reaching a wide audience and doesn’t have to be limited to distribution via one of the above-mentioned social media tools.
It’s a Real Option
Here are some statistics for you that may help you make the decision to start turning to video for your organization’s needs:
Video vs. In-Person Training
According to many sources including a recent article found on http://www.panopto.com ¹, you can expect savings from 40 to 78 percent over traditional classroom training depending on the audience size. This is a HUGE reduction in cost.
More than 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube. This has increased by over 50% from the prior year. In addition, according to Nielsen, YouTube reaches more US adults ages 18-34 than any cable network. These impressive stats can be found at http://www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html ². These numbers are expected to grow exponentially each year making this platform a great fit. In addition, this format is viewable on mobile devices as well so you reach an even wider audience than possible with straight flash-based (.swf) file formats. Vimeo is another popular tool many businesses are turning to for their video needs.
Learning Effectiveness
The big benefits of online video/education are cost savings and accessibility. On top of that, a recent study³ by Kirsty Chadwick found at http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/424/107615.html predicts that by 2019, 50% of all classes taught will be delivered online. More and more businesses are already shifting to large percentages of mobile employees which makes the cost and planning even more challenging for traditional classroom offerings. Another bonus: video can reach your audience via mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones!
It’s Versatile
Aside from using video on YouTube and other social media platforms, video can easily be integrated in your eLearning courses, blogs, and more. This makes video a powerful tool to add to your arsenal for everything from learning to marketing and more. Whether you decide to produce videos in-house or hire someone to create them for you, this is an option that makes sense for most of us. They can be simple and straight-forward, artsy/creative, or take your audience to a whole new level. In addition, technology continues to evolve and improve so your videos are only limited by imagination.
Don’t have a YouTube channel? Don’t know where to start with Vimeo? Wonder if video is right for your organization? Contact us today for a totally FREE 30 minute consultation and let us help you map out a strategy to start implementing video that works for your business… click the link below.
1 – Panopto blog: How Smart Video Management Can Drive Bottom-Line Growth (2014)
2 – YouTube Statistics publication (2014)
3 – E-Learning Trends for 2014 article, Jan. 21, 2014